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William So


William So Yuen Kwok is one of Hong Kong's most innovative and influential photographers. He is also a member of HKIPP and HKPPN, two of the leading photography associations in Hong Kong.


His spectrum of professionalism is identified across industries from advertising, fashion and beauty, etc. His working base spreads over USA, United Kingdom, Japan, Beijing, Shang Hai and Hong Kong, He does fashion photography and Commercial jobs, allowing him to collaborate with various creative minds and agencies overseas.


His work has been recognised by professionals across the globe and has won numerous Local and International Awards. William So was selected as one of the Archive Top 200 Ad Photographers Worldwide by the renowned Lürzer's Archive in the year 2010/11 and 2012/13, he was also selected by Commercial Photo (Japan) as one of the 50 New Generation Photographers in the June 2013 edition. He has received awards in China, including the Shooting Award by 第三種人傳媒 (Market Builder Media), and the Nominee Award Fashion from Photography Masters Cup and Merit in Professional Division (Fashion Single) of HKIPP. visuals also received the Kam Fan Awards Gold for Poster Campaign, Silver and Merit for Single Posters, in 2009. He was invited by the World Photography Organisation to be an Academy member as one of the expert advisors in 2013.


2009 marked William’s new step towards being a Director. In just a years' time, he has filmed various short videos as well as TV commercials, receiving great success and earning him recognition across Asia. His videos received the Kam Fan Awards for Silver Best Online Advertising Video in 2009, Bronze for Use of Branded Content, Experiential, Sponsorship and Events and Merit for Viral (Film), Sound Effect & Use of Music and, Best Integrated Campaign in 2010.


In early 2018, William achieved a milestone as he directed and produced his first movie named “Quan Dao - The journey of a boxer”. The movie is planned to be shown in theatre in 2018-2019.


Bringing Fashion and Style from his photography experience into the world of moving images. William is set to create a new trend in video shooting in the upcoming future.






他的作品更取得專業的認可,他曾獲得不少本地以及世界的獎項。在2010/11和2012/13年度,他獲 Lürzer's Archive 選為200位最住廣告攝影師之一,  於2013年他給日本的Commercial Photo (6月號)選為50位新一代攝影師之一。他亦曾獲得中國第三種人傳媒頒發的攝影銀獎, 和香港專業攝影師公會的The Nominee Award Fashion from Photography Masters Cup and Merit in Professional Division (Fashion Single)。  於二零零九年亦獲得,他的作品亦獲得多個金帆廣告大獎中的獎項,包括Poster Campaign金獎,以及Single Posters的銀獎和優異獎。於二零一三年,他更獲邀成為World Photography Organization學院專業顧問團隊其中一員,與多位國際知名攝影師共同推動攝影藝術。


蘇先生從二零零九年開始發展成為一位導演。於短短幾年時間,他拍攝了不少短片及電視廣告,並成功取得亞洲地區的認可。他的作品曾獲得二零零九年的金帆廣告大獎Best Online Advertising Video銀獎 , 於二零一零年獲得金帆廣告大獎Use of Branded Content, Experiential, Sponsorship and Events銅獎, 以及Viral (Film),Sound Effect & Use of Music,和Best Integrated Campaign的優異獎。


蘇先生在2018 年初建立了一個新的里程碑,開拍了他首部劇情電影並擔任導演。電影名為《拳道》 一個拳手的故事,預計在2018-2019年上映。



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